EgyBell Complete Outsourcing and Payroll Solutions...
EgyBell is an outsourcing solution that will help you grow and adapt your business the smart way.
We would like to consider our self as a potential partner to your company.
We serve In :
- Human resources Outsourcing
- Hiring, Payroll Solutions .
- HRO Solutions.
- Human Resources Administration.
- HR Partner.
- Labor Law consultant.
- Legal Services.
- Administration& Public relation Services.
- Tax & Accounting Outsourcing Solutions.
- Booking & Accounting Services.
- Procurement, Commercial &Contracts Services Full outsourcing solutions
EgyBell offers a complete range of Outsourcing services designed to meet the ever needs of companies with a wealth of experience and know-how in a multitude of the market in association with Leading International Outsourcing Firm as partners.
Contact us: Info@EgyBell. com -
Mobile: +2012 27 222 435 - +2010 000 36 63 4
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+EGYBELL - Human resources outsourcing and Facility Management solutions
+EgyBell Company