Monday, February 18, 2019

EgyBell is Hiring in Egypt...

EgyBell is Hiring...

Electro-Mechanical engineer based in Cairo for a mission for at least one year.

- Engineer electro-mechanical HVAC with 8 Years professional experience.
- Experience as project manager / purchase familiar is required.
- In charge of the equipement's purchase

- Follow-up engineering, factory, relationship with the supplier, project reporting, financial monitoring, planning follow-up, documentary production), and provide support for all issues related to the supply of the equipment.
- Main mission is to work the ventilation system in tunnels
- Field Experience and theoretical experience

Please Share Your Resume to

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See my story on Trepup

1 comment:

EgyBell said...

Electro-Mechanical engineer hiring in Egypt, Please share your resume to

#Join_EgyBell #Joinegybell